Enclosure renovation is still in progress. :-) I'm currently covering the platforms with "reptile carpet." It's not the most attractive stuff in the world, but it's practical for clean-up. They are affixed to the platforms with velcro.
I put Richard in for a little while to see how he would like it. He studied his surroundings carefully and seemed a little frightened by the new environment (as evidenced by his less than beautiful coloration in the photo above). He cheered up shortly thereafter. I sensed satisfaction.
I bought him a Dracaena plant! This is safe for herbivorous reptiles, according to multiple credible sources, including Tricia's Water Dragon Care Page. Tricia is basically the water dragon authority on the internet.
I gave the Dracaena plant some thorough bleach-water dunkings earlier and brand new, safe soil. I topped the pot off with coconut bark. This particular coconut bark is used for reptile and amphibian vivaria. I do have some artificial vines. I'll let my pothos plants grow a bit more before I use them in place of the artificial vines.
*Getting back to work*
Wow! This enclosure looks better than some zoo exhibits! Richard must be the world's most spoiled water dragon.
Chiffy! :-D Hey, man! Richard's enclosure is cool, but it doesn't stand up to some of the STL Zoo's exhibits. Maybe SA ones. :-P
Can you come decorate my house now??
No problem.
Do you want to be surrounded by plants, Haphazardkat? :-D
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